
Meet Arthur

This is Arthur.  He is a retired Actor who is now a crosswalk person for the private school next door.   Arthur cares about people's safety and also about sharing smiles.  He loves to tell a quick story about something he feels a parent or child would relate too.  We see Arthur on our own family walks.  He eagerly waits for us with his stop sign in hand and a genuine interest in how our day is going.  In under two minutes, this man has an ability to make you stop, smile and be in the moment.  He is a compassionate soul with a lot of love and humor to share.  

Butterfly Girl adores Arthur.  During school season, we receive requests to take a walk and visit him on our street corner.  A few weeks ago it was raining and Butterfly became so concerned for Arthur, she insisted we make him homemade chocolate chip cookies and a big thank you card for his sacrifice in keeping people safe.  We put on our special rain gear and Butterfly was able to touch Arthur back the way he does for everyone.   Both Arthur and Butterfly take moments to pause in their day and take interest in the other person.  I have to admit they do teach me through their simple gestures, words and actions.  It has shown me that soul connections don't have boundaries.  Their friendship reminds me that sometimes it only takes a little pause to make someone else smile.  

School is out for the summer.   Arthur will enjoy his wife, German Shepherd puppy and kitty's company for the summer.  Butterfly comments how she misses him when we walk and he's not there.  We hope he enjoys the long vacation and look forward to seeing him again in September.